What is Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse 2016 in Tanzania

In September 2016 the annular solar eclipse's zone of totality will pass through Tanzania's Katavi and Ruaha National Parks (Rujewa area) and offer onlookers the best possible view of it.

Whilst offering a view of the eclipse, both parks also offer off the beaten track safaris with excellent wildlife viewing. August is the middle of the dry season when wildlife viewing is at its best, with animals concentrated around few available water sources.

Katavi National Park is one of Tanzania's largest and most remote parks, far out to the west of the country. With only a hand full of camps it is often considered one of Africa's greatest wilderness areas and when you are out on drives you will very rarely see other vehicles. In August Katavi's two huge plains fill with animals, and it is especially known for its impressively large buffalo herds.
1 places found for solar eclipse 2016 in Tanzania

How Will Animals  Behave on Solar Eclipse Day
During previous eclipses dragonflies were spotted hiding under leaves, ants returned to their nests and grasshoppers stopped making their characteristic clicking sound.
Chris Hickman of the Woodland Trust said: “The main thing seems to be it goes quiet.
“As you might expect the birds are temporarily confused into thinking it’s night time. It was quite noticeable (at the last eclipse) in 1999.”
Animal experts warned that nervous animals could be upset by the phenomena and owners were advised to keep them indoors.
Donald Broom, Emeritus Professor of Animal Welfare at the University of Cambridge, said: “They'll notice it will get dark. Although night happens every day, you don't have a substantial change in light intensity in the morning, so it's a bit disturbing for them.”
“Animals out in the fields might stop grazing and move to a more sheltered place as they do at night.”


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